Depressed, Distressed and Deliriously Happy {16 week Update & Reflection on Motherhood}

I'm sipping my third cup of coffee. Trying not to guzzle. To be perfectly honest, this mug is decaf in an attempt to trick my tired brain. The second cup was only half-caf...And, I feel rather "healthy" about this compromise. Oh, dear. In honor both of Abby's 16-week-milestone and of my meltdown last night, this... Continue Reading →

Dear Abby {14.5 Week Update}

Dear Abby, It has been two weeks since I have blogged. It feels like even longer. This precious summer with you is flying by, and I can't believe that I begin teacher in-service in 3.5 weeks. Brutal reality. My body is exhausted, and my heart is overflowing today. After a couple of weeks of traveling,... Continue Reading →

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