When calling 911 is not even the worst part of your day

I run into the chilly garage in my pajama shorts, tiptoeing on the cold cement around strollers and boxes and automobile oil. Swinging open the passenger-side door of my husband's car, I lean in for a kiss. A long kiss. A kiss that says, "I love you," and "It's going to be okay," and "We're... Continue Reading →

Dear Abby {19 Months & Just So Grown Up}

Dear Baby Girl, I'm sure when you are 19-years-old and making your mark in the world, I will then say "You are just so grown up." But, right now, as you bravely go down the tall slides at neighborhood parks, the same thought crosses my mind: "You are just soooo grown up." 19 months today,... Continue Reading →

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