Of a Slightly Different Flavor {But a rainbow of colors}

My fingers and cuticles are stained a deep pink from hours of manipulating beets. Washing. Scrubbing. Cooking. Peeling. Chopping. Pureeing. Testing. There may be spinach and/or fennel fronds in my teeth, and I'll be sure to check before heading out the door for an afternoon meeting. But my skin is clearing, my snacking includes a... Continue Reading →

Apparently We Are All Really, Really Tired {And it is a tired that goes deeper than our next Venti latte}

My brain didn't quite emerge from its fog, as Abby appeared in our upstairs bedroom for the umpteenth time last night. My voice had lost its gracious "I'm-the-model-Mama" tone and taken on the "next-person-who-wakes-me-is-going-to-suffer-my-wrath" edge. Micah had already been awake to nurse twice, and my body groaned with the sheer effort of focusing on Abby's... Continue Reading →

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