When Your Entire Self Needs to Breathe {The Involuntary Marathon}

When I get the first texts from my doula clients that they are in early labor, I always respond with something along the lines of, "Make sure to eat, drink, sleep, and shower/bathe right now. Your body needs to fuel up for the coming involuntary marathon!" That advice holds true. For all of parenting -... Continue Reading →

Dear Abigail {11+ Month Update}

Dear Abby, Your first birthday looms large in my heart, as the days speed fast toward April 4. I would not hold you back, but my mama's heart can't quite relish the pace with which you are turning from a baby into a toddler. Your world grows bigger everyday. You taste sand. Put your tongue... Continue Reading →

Covered in Cheerios: The Reality of Motherhood

It’s after 10 pm just days before this article is due for publication, and I’m just now considering putting pen to paper. This is my new life. The over-planned, always-early, detail-oriented woman is now the over-tired, always-caffeinated, sometimes forgetful mommy. My nipples hurt from the teething efforts of a fussy 10-month-old. My conversations occur in... Continue Reading →

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